High: 95°F
Wind: SW 14 mph
Max. Humidity: 65%
UV Index: 9 Very High
Heat Index: 105°F
Sunrise: 6:37 AM ET
Avg. High: 84°F
Record High: 96°F (1955)
Wind: SW 14 mph
Max. Humidity: 65%
UV Index: 9 Very High
Heat Index: 105°F
Sunrise: 6:37 AM ET
Avg. High: 84°F
Record High: 96°F (1955)
wow, sounds like you are in for a toasty day! glad i'm not where you are :P
surely to god you must have a lake or something near by? go swimming
Agreed. Good. Freaking. God.
welcome to life in arizona. ha ha
yeah dido on val,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hell, it's been hotter than that lately in Wisconsin. Even Pat Roberts believes in global warming now!