If at first you don't succeed, refresh the damn web page......... ***************Life Of A Pessimistic Social Turnip*************** (in·tro·vert·ed) : shy or reserved. (de·vi·ate) : characterized by or given to significant departure from the behavioral norms of a particular society
I will go to Yankee stadium.....
I will go to Yankee stadium.....
I will go to Yankee stadium.....
(clicks heels three times)
WHAT EVER MATT!!!!!!! love ya,,,,
I'm confused too. If you are referring to the "new" stadium being planned out to be built---I think it's awful. Keep the old one. Too much money for the city to splurge on, and plus, they're taking away a huge park for a very poor neighborhood. It will just be congested. Did I guess right?
I'll shut up now. *sigh*
NOPE, I want the OLD one. Your right, the new one being plannede is such a waste in SO many ways.
I just don't understand baseball.
Good luck! Keep dreaming.
You can do it!!!!
oh yeah, and damn, that's a handsome stadium!!